Sunday, 28 April 2019

Crazy Reading Photo Challenge - please upload your crazy reading photos!

As part of our World Book Day celebration in the first week after the holidays we would like to share children's 'Crazy Reading' photos. We have lots of fun activities planned for that week including a World Book Day Celebration Parade on Thursday 2 May when children will be invited to come to school dressed as their favourite book character for the day!
We would like the children to have a photograph taken of themselves reading their favourite book during the holiday. If you have an opportunity, please send it in and a title for it using the link below.  The photograph should be taken by a parent.  We will then use these on our digital displays in the reception areas.

You will need a Google account to upload photos.  If you don't have one you can use:   Password: crazyreaders

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Individual Google Drive Logins for P5 Students

We have for over a year been using the Google Suite of Apps for Education to support learning with children in P6 and P7.  Children have individual logins that give them access to online apps such as Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms & Quizzes, MyMaps and Sites.  (They are not given access to Google Mail through their school accounts.)

There are several benefits that children receive from using these apps and the benefits from being able to collaborate with each other effectively are outstanding.  Please watch this short video clip of how we are already successfully using Google Suite with P6 and P7 children (from 6 minutes 40 seconds):


Following the success of using Google Suite with P6 and P7 children, we are now going to extend its use to children in P5.  The children will be given individual PDO School domain logins (e.g. and passwords.  This will not give them access to email but will allow them to create through Google Drive, documents and presentations etc. which they will be able to share with others and work on simultaneously.  For example, the class might make and edit a slide show online using Google Slides with a couple of children each researching and making one individual slide together.

The use of Google Suite will also allow the children to develop their understanding of the need to behave responsibly online as part of becoming responsible digital citizens.  They will each be asked to agree to the following terms before being given their logins:

  • I will remember my password
  • I will not share my password with other children
  • I will accept responsibility for everything done using my login
  • I understand that my teachers will have full access to my account and all of its history
  • I will always be considerate and respectful towards others with all documents online just as I would with any other written work in class

We are excited by the possibilities for new exciting ways of learning together and believe the children will both enjoy and benefit from the experience.

Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Monday, 4 September 2017

Test for auto - album

The children were learning about stuff.